Mindbender (Telepath: Book Two)
ARC Signup Sheet
Thank you for your interest in Mindbender! The book will be released on December 10, 2024, in all formats on all platforms. ARCs will be emailed right away, in EPUB format. Reviews would be great, obviously, and reviews before release would be even more great. But there’s no pressure—if you can’t get to it for a while, or you DNF it, or you just don’t want to review it for whatever reason, that’s totally cool. There are no rules—if you choose to write a review, I want it to be an honest one.
Since this is book two in the Telepath series, and not a standalone story, I will also send you a copy of book one (Fractured) in EPUB format, if you don’t already have it. If you want to leave a review for Fractured too, feel free! If not, no problem. Again, no rules.